Hoggar is Ssalsh Jbela famous is located in the extreme south-east of Algeria state of Tamanrasset It covers an area of 450,000 km 2, a quarter of the total area of the islands, which extends over the Tropic of Cancer placebo, which is separated from the Achammal.oha phrase formations volcanic mountain with a long history Thumper in the depths of time murals and ancient rock show Zlk.oasubht this area barn to its importance in Algeria and the world.

An area known worldwide for its beautiful scenery and charm attractive. There are a Hoggar Mountains highest peaks in Algeria: the summit Tahart Atakor 3013 M.okzlk has the most beautiful passages in a world which is Aloskram corridor from which to watch the most beautiful sunrise and sunset the sun in Algeria and the whole world, and is recognized by UNESCO.
There are in the Hoggar drawings carved on the walls dating back to the ancient man show on his daily activities and there are also drawings indicate that the desert was a rivers and seas as archaeologists found the remains of the skeletons of fish and fishing tools, which confirms the existence of life millions of years ago. It is in addition to the Tassili Nagar largest museums of rock inscriptions and drawings in the world recognized by UNESCO.
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